The Best Gluten-free Sourdough in the World (the improved recipe)
Improved recipe!
How could this even be possible?
The secret is in the processing.
This week, I was presented with a great dilemma. I could not find buckwheat flour. Not at the supermarket, not online, not at my regular organic store. So i decided to buy actual buckwheat.
And it came to me!!!
How could I ever improve the recipe to make it more "super" and easier to digest?
Personally, I have struggled with sprouting buckwheat, first because the grains may have been roasted, and, therefore, the germ killed in the process and the grains never sprouting, and second, may be because I never done it quite right.
Buckwheat does not require a long bath. Instead, prefers a rinsing. I have soaked the grains for 20 minutes and rinsed thoroughly to wash away any contaminants and excess starch, etc. Then I laid the grains on a dehydrator sheet and within 24 hours the grains have all sprouted, ready to eat.
I have rinsed the grains twice. Once after 8 hours and the next morning. Then dried for 12 hours, using dehydrator, at ≤40˚c, the grains are now ready to be milled*, passes through a sieve twice, and used in my recipe.
My sourdough is now a super "Super Food" and easier to digest, amazing in flavour. It is also void of any additives and preservatives. Pure, wholesome food.
* if you do not have a grain miller, you can use any high-power blender; although, do not mill the grains for more than 20 seconds. You may burn the proteins in the process. Instead, blitz a little by little.
24-hour sprouted buckwheat
Sprouted buckwheat ready to be dried out
Dehydrated sprouted buckwheat
Improved Recipe (01/01/2020)
I urge you to try this recipe!
It is by far the most amazing sourdough you will ever taste in your life.
In my quest to make a more fluffy bread centre and a crusty outside, I have played around with the recipe.
At least once a week, I tried something new.
This time, it seems that I have found a way, a delicious way.
Not only my original sourdough is packed with nutritious ingredients, is easy to digest, but it now qualifies as a nutrient-dense food.
Making bread is now fun and I can enjoy a slice here and there, and be happy about it.
Guilt-free bread... Here it is... All that you have ever searched for!
I have only added 10 g of psyllium husks (instead of 20 g) to the initial recipe.
and replaced with 1 handful (55 g) of freshly ground sprouted flax/linseeds.
I also added 2 tablespoons of flax/linseed oil, and 2 handfuls of mixed seeds (use any you like). Omega-3-rich homemade sourdough, here I come!
Additionally, I added 8 tablespoons of olive oil.
Improved Recipe (14/07/2020)
Ingredients (1 large loaf)
700 g starter
550 ml water
300 g buckwheat flour
155 g gluten-free brown bread flour
50 g flax/linseeds (whole)
50 g flax/linseeds (ground)
20 g sesame seeds
20 g pumpkin seeds
10 g Psyllium Husks
8 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil
2 tbsp apple cider vinegar (with mother)
25 g salt flower (“fleur de sel”)
15 g sugar (optional)
2 tbsp linseed oil
Follow the step-by-step method given above in the original recipe.
Add the seeds to the dry ingredient mix and pour over the diluted stater. Beat for 15-20 minutes to ensure the seeds open up, absorb the water and make a more aerated and soft middle once cooked (the seeds will release the water as they start heating up during baking).
Add the olive oil, linseed oil and vinegar. Keep mixing the dough for another 5 minutes
Bread as it should be! Good for you and your gut too, packed with prebiotic fibre!