3-course-meal Smoothie...!
Previously posted August 2015.
On occasion, whether due to scorching summer temperatures, a desire to provide the digestive system with a respite, adherence to an Intermittent Fasting Diet, or for various other reasons, the prospect of preparing and consuming a full meal may not be on the menu...
Today happened to be one of those days. I simply craved something fresh, delicious, and invigorating. With a bountiful array of ripe blackberries adorning my garden wall, along with the last remnants of strawberries and a handful of raspberries, I embarked on a quest for a supercharged, antioxidant-rich meal.
I picked some baby Kale, with some cabbage leaves too, which seems to never stop growing. It must be all that kind loving care and singing - not... They would not survive me, I promise you...
I also picked some Mint and Dandelion Leaves.
More is more, so I also took a handful of sprouts and steamed them quickly, and immediately cooled them down, as to free the nutrients, but not destroying them by heat.
I placed the blanched sprouts in the blender with:
1/2 avocado
4 Broccoli florets
2 stalks of celery
1 scoop of green powder
washed leaves picked from the garden
200g of berries
a pinch of Himalayan Salt (the Starter).
I also added:
1 ice cube of coconut milk (homemade that I freeze using ice trays),
100 ml of freshly made Hemp Milk (1tsp hulled hemp seeds + 100 ml of purified water) for the much-needed protein (the main course - which, can also be maximised by adding 1 tbsp of chia seeds),
1 banana
1 tsp maca powder (for energy and sweetness - the dessert),
I blended it all to obtain a thick smoothie that was utterly delicious.
Delicious and filling! The best combination…
Also, the recipe is for 2 large glasses.
I made a meal out of it, and I was so full and happy I did not want to eat anything for several hours.
Blackberries growing wild over the fences, which I domesticated to take over the entire wall to benefit from exposure to sunlight.